Boosting development financing in Rwanda

Despite the impressive sustainable development trajectory of Rwanda in recent decades, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the country hard. Under the leadership of the Resident Coordinator, the UN in Rwanda has worked with the Government and development partners, making significant progress on a wide range of issues including education, social protection, nutrition and economic growth.

The Resident Coordinator has been particularly critical in leading the UN country team to support national authorities develop an Integrated National Financing Framework with the support of the UN Joint SDG Fund, improving the Government’s access to new sources of development financing and providing the necessary tools to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The Resident Coordinator also leveraged his position as permanent co-chair of the Development Partners Coordination Group in Rwanda, along with the Ministry of Finance, particularly serving as a critical link in the Government’s and partners’ dialogue for harmonizing programmes, projects, and budget support.

Watch the video below from the Resident Coordinator to learn more about results in Rwanda.


Ozonnia Ojielo

Resident Coordinator in Rwanda