Partnerships Officer in South Africa

How is a Resident Coordinator’s Office nurturing strategic partnership in a country to bring various expertise together to deliver on the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development? Meet Krivani, the Partnerships Officer in her native South Africa.  She supported the Resident Coordinator to establish a UN entity-wide Partnerships and Resource Mobilisation Group in South Africa, a single platform for UN entities to coordinate and provide a coherent support to the Government, and to collaborate with development partners in a coordinated manner.  This Group advances existing partnerships and aims to bring on board a variety of actors – including those UN entities based outside of the country, donors, civil society and non-governmental organisations, philanthropies, foundations and private sector.  Krivani led the mapping of the potential private sector partners who are interested in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will help unleash untapped potential of financial and non-financial resources towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and show that doing good is also good for business. The Group is working closely with the Results groups of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2020-2025) to create more coherence and synergies among various actors who are working on development issues in South Africa for bigger impacts together.  Krivani is currently serving as the acting Head of the Resident Coordinator’s Office.  

South Africa

Krivani Pillay

Partnerships Officer

Nationality: South African
Language: English